Sunday, January 27, 2013

2013 goals: Reading and knitting

This year has been one that is more goal focused.  I have set resolutions before and have had little success.  This year I set specific goals.  It has made all the difference.  Also being accountable has helped too.  I have told friends/husband what my goals are so they can help keep me on track.  I also share my progress in a public place like twitter or facebook or here.

My phone has become a great tool for keeping me on track and inspired.  Of course I had to get a pretty case for it.  I used Christmas money I was given to get this on Etsy.  

I have wanted to read my Bible more.  I set up a way that I could easily do that before the new year and actually started before the new year because I was so excited to get started.  I use an app on my phone called YouVersion.  Super easy and very rewarding so far.  I like how I can easily switch between different versions and there are a wide variety of reading plans and devotionals.  It is also easy to see my progress. 

Now for my knitting goal.  My goal is simple.  Knit more.  Here are some of the specifics.  I am going to complete at least one pattern each month.  Also, I have noticed that a secret goal has started to emerge as I have done my planning.  I seem to be knitting more for myself.  I most often knit for others, to give gifts that are hand made.  Gifts are just better when handmade.  I hardly have anything I have made for myself. 

 (Yes, I took a picture of my computer screen, sorry for the arrow) 

So, I admit it.  I have been knitting for myself.  I asked for a knitting book from my favorite knitting designer, Jane Richmond, for Christmas.  My knitting mentor, my mom, bought it for me and gave it to me digitally.  The digital copy is nice to have.  I am able to print the patterns and write on them as I work without feeling guilty. 

My January project is a Jane Richmond hat called Renfrew.  It was a great way to start out my 2013 projects.  It was easy and fun.  It is actually knit inside out and then when you are all done you turn it right side out.  It kind of felt like I was opening a present when it was complete and turned it right side out. I actually made two of them, the first one was white and just looked funny with my dark hair under it.  My second version was in navy.   

One great side effect of this knitting goal is that it has caused me to knit more.  I have another project I will likely finish in January that I will be sharing soon.  I already have my February project picked but need to get some yarn.  My February pattern is also from Jane Richmond's book, shown above.  I have a feeling I will end up doing all the patterns in that book this year.  

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Mornings with Quincy

As my due date approaches I have been reflecting on all the aspects of my life that are about to change.  My day to day will be dramatically different than now.  I am okay with that.  This is a change I fully welcome.  This is a change I have waited and prayed for.  I have been thinking about how my mornings will be different. I really enjoy hanging out with my bud Quincy.

I am a dog lover.  As soon as we had closed on our house we got a puppy.  This home wouldn't feel like home without Quincy.  I will admit it.  I do talk to Quincy.  I love the looks he gives me when I say certain things.  I think he sorta understands me, maybe. 

He really is a great dog.  He caused us some stress in his first year, he ate a lot of things he shouldn't have.  He has calmed down some but is still full of energy.  He loves walks outside, like most dogs.  Jason and I laugh when he does his "crazy run" which is basically when he runs in circles at break neck speeds.  He is sensitive, whenever I get emotional he always comes over to me to comfort me in any way he can.  He loves being close to us and often falls asleep with he head resting on one of us. 

Here are a few pictures of him as a puppy.  I am excited for the baby to come and for all of us to go on walks together.  I have been telling him that our family is about to grow.  Ready or not baby is coming soon! 

I will miss my mornings with Quincy but I can't wait for mornings with me, Quince, and baby E. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Photo challange: Week 3

Another week done. I am still enjoying this project.  I am starting to see that this feeling will continue through the weeks.  As I have said in the past I have been a journaler for quite some time and somehow this daily picture taking kinda feels like doing a daily entry.  I haven't been journaling lately.  Which is okay for right now but not for long.

The above picture is a reflection in our shed door.

I went outside the other day and was kind of tired of all the white/gray/evergreen color in the world.  I went looking for a more vibrant color.  This was a little bit of red I spotted. 

I have always loved this building.  I hope I can take more pictures of it through the year.  This is the church I grew up in.  Beautiful.  You should see it inside!

 It snowed! 

This is a bus shelter I spent a lot of time waiting in.

This week has given me some limitations that has kept me close to home.  I haven't been allowed to wander in the woods like I want to.  This sky made me feel less cooped up.

It has been very cold.  These little buds are closed tight until spring and rightfully so.  When temperatures are subzero I think we all want to be closed up somewhere warm.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Old made new

I finally finished these end tables!  I have had them for quite a while and was unsure of what to do with them at first.  Of course I painted them my favorite color, white! Can white be your favorite color?  Well, maybe just my favorite color for furniture and smaller things.  I still have plans to paint our walls soon.  Starting with the nursery. 

The next set of pictures show how long I really have been slowly working on these.  This before and after picture was taken during the summer.  Some projects just are slow to develop.

 One thing I had to find was something to replace those dated fake drawer pulls.  Unfortunately they were an unusual size so I had to fill in the old holes and just picked new handles.  Well...actually old handles.  I found these at a local Habit for humanity Restore.  I looked online for a while but most choices were too expensive.  These were 50 cents each!  

These end tables are going downstairs next to the futon.  Someday when I grow up I will get a real couch.  Until then it is a futon.  With cute white end tables. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Photo Challenge: Week 2

Week 2 is come and gone.  Some days it was hard to get outside, very full days.  Forcing myself to get outside has shown me how easy it is to stay inside during the winter.  I wonder how many winter days in years past I have just stayed inside.  What a shame.

Part way through the week I started exploring this old junk yard on our property.  I had found it last summer but didn't look around much.  I can't wait until spring to see what I can salvage.  

This is an old fridge drawer.  Love it.

More junk yard finds.

I know this picture isn't the greatest, kinda grainy.  I like how mysterious it looks.  

I had been wanting to get a sunset picture.  This one came at a price.  I stepped outside onto our deck, the field was full of deer and I wanted to get a picture of them too.  I made the mistake of leaving the door cracked and of course Quincy had seen the deer family too.  He took off after the deer across the filed at full tilt.  So, I grabbed my coat and went chasing after him.  What a punk.  I took this pic after I had tracked him down.  He was just helping me get a better shot, right?  Right.   

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Baby project...first of many!

When does nesting start?  I think I may be feeling some of that.  I am due in April, too early for nesting?  Maybe I am just feeling motivated and excited about this little guy.  Whatever it may be I love it!  Crafting for baby is a lot of fun.

I found a tutorial here on this youtube station but their blog is cool too.  The video was fun to watch and inspiring.  I have been thinking about things to do for my baby shower and I wanted to test out some ideas, this one is great!   

Here I am before the project.

I started with some long sleeved oneies, they have those little mitten things so the baby doesn't scratch his little face.  I also gathered up my Martha Stewart paints and got a few extras.  I picked up some stencil sponges too.  And away I went!!  I wish I had more than just the three oneies. 


How cute!! I followed the above tutorial and the possibilities are endless.  I can't wait to put the little guy in them.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Photo challenge: 1 week done!

As you can see in my previous post I set a goal for myself to take a photo outside everyday this year.  I have quite a few other goals for 2013 that I will be sharing soon.  But for now here is week one!

Day 1: This first pic I took was of what I call "The Lord of the Rings" tree.  It just looks like it could come alive!  When we bought our house this tree was actually a pretty big selling point for me.

Day 2: I have been LOVING that I have been getting outside more.  I find myself looking forward to my walks.  So does Quincy!  I think he is starting to expect them each day. 

Day 3: I was near Lake Superior and couldn't resist taking a pic of this greatest of Great Lakes.

Day 4: I have noticed that one way to create variety in  my pictures is to take picture at different times of day.  Here is a sunrise.

Day 5: This is not my first picture of stacked wood and I am sure it won't be my last.  I think it is cool looking.

Day 6: This one is from Sunday when I had little to no time outside.  I went right from church to work.  I snapped this one on my way to the car.  I turned out to be my favorite one! Crazy.

Day 7: I do love living in an area of the world where we have four seasons.  I am looking forward to seeing that change in my photos as the year goes on.  These leaves are the only ones left these days.

That's week one! I don't know if I will do a summary every week, likely once in a while.  

I did notice a common thread in all these pictures.  Did you?  Trees!! I suppose if I lived in town there would be more buildings.  I will try to spice it up a little more.