Thursday, January 24, 2013

Mornings with Quincy

As my due date approaches I have been reflecting on all the aspects of my life that are about to change.  My day to day will be dramatically different than now.  I am okay with that.  This is a change I fully welcome.  This is a change I have waited and prayed for.  I have been thinking about how my mornings will be different. I really enjoy hanging out with my bud Quincy.

I am a dog lover.  As soon as we had closed on our house we got a puppy.  This home wouldn't feel like home without Quincy.  I will admit it.  I do talk to Quincy.  I love the looks he gives me when I say certain things.  I think he sorta understands me, maybe. 

He really is a great dog.  He caused us some stress in his first year, he ate a lot of things he shouldn't have.  He has calmed down some but is still full of energy.  He loves walks outside, like most dogs.  Jason and I laugh when he does his "crazy run" which is basically when he runs in circles at break neck speeds.  He is sensitive, whenever I get emotional he always comes over to me to comfort me in any way he can.  He loves being close to us and often falls asleep with he head resting on one of us. 

Here are a few pictures of him as a puppy.  I am excited for the baby to come and for all of us to go on walks together.  I have been telling him that our family is about to grow.  Ready or not baby is coming soon! 

I will miss my mornings with Quincy but I can't wait for mornings with me, Quince, and baby E. 


  1. Quincy is ONE LUCKY DOG

  2. It has been great having a dog with our baby. Hazel's first word is "Dog"

    1. Now that is pretty darn cute. I can't wait to see the new family dynamic.
