Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Photo challenge: 1 week done!

As you can see in my previous post I set a goal for myself to take a photo outside everyday this year.  I have quite a few other goals for 2013 that I will be sharing soon.  But for now here is week one!

Day 1: This first pic I took was of what I call "The Lord of the Rings" tree.  It just looks like it could come alive!  When we bought our house this tree was actually a pretty big selling point for me.

Day 2: I have been LOVING that I have been getting outside more.  I find myself looking forward to my walks.  So does Quincy!  I think he is starting to expect them each day. 

Day 3: I was near Lake Superior and couldn't resist taking a pic of this greatest of Great Lakes.

Day 4: I have noticed that one way to create variety in  my pictures is to take picture at different times of day.  Here is a sunrise.

Day 5: This is not my first picture of stacked wood and I am sure it won't be my last.  I think it is cool looking.

Day 6: This one is from Sunday when I had little to no time outside.  I went right from church to work.  I snapped this one on my way to the car.  I turned out to be my favorite one! Crazy.

Day 7: I do love living in an area of the world where we have four seasons.  I am looking forward to seeing that change in my photos as the year goes on.  These leaves are the only ones left these days.

That's week one! I don't know if I will do a summary every week, likely once in a while.  

I did notice a common thread in all these pictures.  Did you?  Trees!! I suppose if I lived in town there would be more buildings.  I will try to spice it up a little more.


  1. Yay! I've literally looked at your blog every day since January 1st. The Lake Superior and the stacked wood photos are my favorite.

  2. It would be cool to do a contest to guess the theme every once in a while. Idea?

  3. Phil says you should take one day this year to take a picture of our house. Then you could stay for dinner, tea games or whatever. ;)
