Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Photo challenge: Week 4

I have had to lay low the past couple weeks due to some contractions I have been having.  My docs have kept me off work and have not officially put me on bed rest but have instructed me to limit my activity which has meant shorter/fewer walks outside.  As a result my photo a day challenge has been harder but I am still really enjoying it.

For this photo I asked Jason to take one to see what he came up with and to get him involved.  Great job hubby!

There are some great local murals and I love all the color in this one.

We had some great snow fall this past week and couldn't help but try and capture all the snow coating the trees. 

That's week 4. Week 5 is coming up soon. 

1 comment:

  1. Jason did great. He is an awesome supportive husband. He gets ten points.

    Stay safe. I am praying for baby go stay put.
