Friday, February 22, 2013

Photo Challenge: Week 6

Well, I am falling behind a bit again due to internet issues.  In fact, I am typing this from the local library to make use of their free internet.  Plus, don't you just love the library?  It is usually quiet and calm and seems like I just get much more work done here.   

Now, back to some photos.  Here is Week 6.

Isn't this just a nice store front?

My grandmother died a few months ago and there are times when I just miss her lots.  This garden thing (for climbing plants) came from her garden.  She was a master gardener and had such beautiful gardens.  I look forward to warm weather.  I hope to grow some flowers this summer and think of Grandma. 

For some reason I was passing this by and thought to myself, "There is no way it would ever get to 140 here." 
 Blue sky!
This is my super lame attempt at night time shooting. Sorry. It won't happen again.
I was actually going for the blurry look here. 

Wind. Lots of it.

Well, that's it.  Not really happy with this weeks photos.  Hope week 7 is better.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

A quick baby project

Pinterest is pretty cool.  It kind of reminds me of flipping through magazines to get inspiration.  Instead of ripping out pages from waiting room magazines (not that I have ever done this...) you just have to pin the idea.  If I had to guess I bet there are a lot more whole magazines out there. 

I saw this idea and put it on my to do list for the baby room, which is starting to come along slowly.  Here is my version.

Here are my supplies.  The nice thing was that I pretty much had everything I needed.  I found an old unused frame and I had plenty of scrapbook paper.  All I had to get was the alphabet stencil which was super cheap.  

I did have to paint the stencil since it was a bright blue, no so nice.

One more look.  Make your own.  It is easy. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Photo challenge: Week 5

Week 5! What? Wow, where does the time go? 
I have noticed that being pregnant does start to make you view life in week segments.  With every passing week I get a little more excited about this baby.
With my limited social interaction these days this sight is one of my favorites!  Hubby home! Someone to talk to other than Quincy. 

This is a cool butterfly house that my friend Steph made for me a few years back.  I have never seen any butterflies in it but I sure think it is pretty.

Okay, week 5 done.  Nice.  Week 6 here I come!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

More finished knitting

As stated in a previous post I have a knitting goal this year.  At least one project a month.  So far it has been going great and I have noticed it has made me want to knit more.  Here is another January knitting project.  It comes with some back story.  

My dear friend Stephanie came for a wonderful surprise visit with Tyler and she brought me great gifts.

Steph and I have been friends since college.  Wow, that makes me sound old.  When I first met her I was slightly afraid of her.  She had jeans with ripped knees.  Rebel.  We hit it off after I got past the jeans.  

(I have always wanted jeans with holes in the knees to be honest, but not the fake kind that had been "designed" into the jeans.  Real holes that are earned.  Like Steph's.)

The great thing about having an "old" friend is that she knows me really well and thus gives great gifts based from knowing just what I will like.  She gave me this bowl and the yarn in it along with some other thoughtful items.

This yarn was so inspiring I just had to make something with it right away.  I looked around Raverly for a while and found a great free pattern. 

This is a very easy cowl pattern.  One aspect that I like about knitting is the math behind the design.  When I cast on an odd number of stitches I thought, "Oh...I see.  Clever."  Anyways.  Here it is in action.  

Here is one with the bump and the cowl. 


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Photo challenge: Week 4

I have had to lay low the past couple weeks due to some contractions I have been having.  My docs have kept me off work and have not officially put me on bed rest but have instructed me to limit my activity which has meant shorter/fewer walks outside.  As a result my photo a day challenge has been harder but I am still really enjoying it.

For this photo I asked Jason to take one to see what he came up with and to get him involved.  Great job hubby!

There are some great local murals and I love all the color in this one.

We had some great snow fall this past week and couldn't help but try and capture all the snow coating the trees. 

That's week 4. Week 5 is coming up soon. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Two small projects

Sometimes I just need an easy project.  

I think everyone should have a few little projects along with the big ones.
Here are some little projects.

This is one of those pinterest projects that caught my eye.  Easy.  Glass jar + paint applied to the inside of jar = pretty. 

I made these mugs for my dear friends Nicole and Mike.  I found the tutorial on one of my favorite blogs here.  I did use a more permanent pen meant for writing on mugs and such and it holds up a lot better in the dishwasher.  I used something like this.   

Nicole and I became friends during nursing school.  And I know she is one of those life long friends.  She is now working on her PhD in nursing and Mike is an engineer.  I tried to come up with messages that applied to them specifically.  I worked in the pi sign for Mike and Nicole's is a nursing reference.  Her's translates "Nothing by mouth expect coffee". Funny right? 

Here are a few I made for our house.

 Not perfect but I love having personal everyday items.  It's those little things that make a house a home.