Last week I had an opportunity to tag along with Jason on a work trip to Ann Arbor. I swapped a shift with a co-worker and I was more than ready for a ride south. I had a wonderful time. I took lots of pictures and have many stories to share with you. Just wanted to give you a little hint of things to come. I don't have time right awaits. So, here is a peak.
This is a lost and found box I spotted in a church. The pillow just struck me as interesting. Who brings a pillow to church?? Is it for sitting on? Is it for sleeping on? I get that...I remember as a kid that I seemed to get so sleepy in church. Maybe because it is so peaceful and it feels so safe in there, and usually it was warm. Very good sleeping conditions. I hope this pillow finds it's way home.
I love porches. I have for quite a while. I found when I returned home and looked over my pics there were quite a few of houses. I plan on a post just with some of the great homes I saw. Don't you love the rocking chairs? The colors are great, can't go wrong with red, black, and white. I can just picture rocking away with five other rocking friends! Ha!
Isn't this tattoo awesome!? No, I did not get a tat. My friend Steph is my dear friend in Ann Arbor and we were out and about shopping and we ran into one of her friends and we chatted about crafting and just life. She introduced me to letter press. So cool. Anyway, here is her cool tattoo.
I really wanted this "God is our Hope" sign thing. But alas, it was too much and out of my budget. God is my hope and this is just a great reminder. I would like more wall art with messages on them. A lot of my etsy favorites are full of inspiring messages. I don't know...sometimes you are just having one of those days and it is good to read something that refocuses you.
Okay. There is a little bit of a look at this trip. More to come. I promise.